Bee Swarm - This season will see Bee Swarms in our communities.

Auckland, Auckland City, Eden Terrace
Last update 6 years ago
ID #707
1 photo
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Bee Swarm - This season will see Bee Swarms in our communities.
Auckland, Auckland City, Eden Terrace,
Modified 6 years ago


Will trade for honey!!

Bees swarm because they are looking for a new home. Unfortunately in New Zealand, bees are no longer able to survive in the wild due to pesticides and varroa mite.

If you see a swarm don't worry, bees are normally quite calm in this state... but don't get too close. We rehouse swarms into hives and give them the best chance of survival. We do this for free.

Here's a picture of a swarm we caught locally last year. They are now in a hive and doing well


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    Auckland, Auckland City, Eden Terrace